keskiviikko 28. maaliskuuta 2012


It was a really long time ago since I wrote a post in English. I'm not doing it for any special reason, and don't expect me to have language Wednesday or something along those lines. Let's just keep it spontaneous, guys!

So here I am, an exchange student already over 6 months into my experience and a whole lot more wiser ( I'm still very childish and love Disney movies but despite that I've matured a lot).
Although it I've been here a teensy tiny while, I sometimes feel like I have lived here for all of my life. I know the social codes. I finally get the jokes - the Sicilian humor can be caught a tad black for a foreigner - and I even speak a few words of dialect (which sounds a bit like talking when you have a potato in your toothless mouth: H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S)

 The other day, my host sister said that I've officially become a true Sicilian ( probably because of me yelling very loudly, in my measures, for no particular reason). I'm a lot more expressive and I am not as afraid of standing my ground, or keeping my opinion, as I maybe was before. The Sicilians teach you to be proud of your personality and not to put it under a rock!

 I'm really forcing myself to remember my English, its condition is not at its best at the moment. It's hard to keep four languages inside your head and succeed to speak all of them fluently. To justify my case I can say that even my Swedish, which is supposed to be my native language,  is suffering a little. Between us Exchange students we often use a kind of slang between Italian and English, which works fine. The thing is that we only can use it among us, here in Italy. God knows how I'll be talking when I come back?

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